The pancreas is a vital organ situated deep inside the abdomen produces insulin and regulates the blood-sugar levels. If the pancreas is unable to produce the required insulin or body doesn’t respond to insulin may consequence in diabetes mellitus. Present-day
Science of Writing in Sciences
Every time you plan to publish a paper, you are expected to go through ‘instructions for authors’ or similar sections of corresponding journal containing general instructions. It should be ensured that the written manuscript is in compliance with the standards
Free Access to Knowledge by 2020?
With the rapid advancement of science and technology, be it in terms of orbiting Mars, or finding a cure to innumerable diseases, access to research content has taken a backseat. This is due to the paid subscription policy used by
Revolution in Healthcare and importance of data analytics
Focusing forward to 2016 and innovative trends that appear suggests a progressive consideration of how data, science and design that empowers the healthcare transformation. This is because of the structural development as healthcare and life sciences companies which calibrate resources