Be it primary, secondary, or professional education, Indian education system has many shortcomings. Just to mention, there is a scarcity of infrastructure, quality teachers, and an empowering environment for students. Another setback is the late update of the syllabus, which does not meet the industry demands. These hurdles need to be eradicated, as there are consistent demands from the industries for skilled and professional human resources.
However, the need for quality education and skilled professionals cannot be easily fulfilled, as it takes time, resources, and quality human resource to set up good institutions. It is also a fact that starting an educational institute is a herculean task and needs mystic energy and persistence. In such a situation, online education through e-learning could be an advantage for those who do not have access to quality education or are keen to reskill. The requisite for reskilling, better salary hikes and promotions are also the reasons why people undertake online courses in the form of e-learning.
Online education helps people get access to a top-notch learning experience when old-style higher education is simply not possible due to monetary or personal limitations. Physical and mental disabilities also make learning in a classroom impossible. On the other hand, online courses, specializations, and degree programs can provide a great opportunity to continue professional education and build a career, especially to those who already have a job. E-learning also helps those who want to reskill and remain competitive without taking a break from their work or education.
One thing is very important in e-learning; it should be multidimensional. An e-learning program should have an amalgamation of traditional textbooks, blogs, chats, discussion boards, and forums. E-learning means a combination of blended learning, traditional learning, and distance learning.
What I mean that one thing is certain, e-learning is destined to happen. It is the only way to make a knowledge-based society. India truly cannot afford to miss this bus.
-Amit Koushik